Prime Machinery: Your Partner for Quality Used HE&M Equipment

Choosing to invest in used HE&M equipment from Prime Machinery is a smart move for your business. We have built our reputation on the basis of reliable services, quality equipments, and customer satisfaction. With an extensive range of equipment, we are confident in meeting the needs of various industries. Our selection includes categories such as saws, waterjets, welders, and heat treating equipment, all sourced from the renowned manufacturer HE&M.

HE&M Categories

The diversity of our HE&M machinery equipment extends across multiple categories. Whether your business demands the precision of saws, the power of waterjets, the craftsmanship of welders, or the necessity of heat treating equipment, we cover all bases. Prime Machinery is where you will find the widest variety of these essential tools that form the backbone of numerous industries.

HE&M Types

One exceptional type of machine we offer from our HE&M selection is horizontal band saws. These robust saws designed for longevity and precision cuts make a needed addition in many production lines. Explore this and various other machinery types on our website.

HE&M: Pioneer in Cutting Edge Machinery

HE&M stands tall in the annals of industrial machinery history, with its unique selling points and innovative design solutions positioning it as a leading brand. The reputation of HE&M as a reliable manufacturer speaks volumes about the quality and durability of the equipment. We are proud to offer used HE&M equipment that caters to a range of industries, including automotive, construction, energy, and many more. Trust Prime Machinery for your HE&M machinery equipment needs and benefit from our dedication to customer service and our wide-ranging selection.

Categories within HE&M

Types within HE&M

Previously sold within HE&M